Monday 28 May 2012

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory: IPC Error - EJPKB0991E

WebSphere Portlet Factory: Property Broker Error while IPC - EJPKB0991E

Eventing is a wonderful feature provided by JSR 286 for Inter-portlet Communication. In IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.1.5 onwards, there are 2 builders provided to achieve Inter portlet Communication (JSR 286 way). These builders are:

· Cooperative Portlet Source builder
· Cooperative Portlet Target builder

Cooperative Source builder is added in model which is going to publish the event. Cooperative target builder is added in model which is going to Consume the events.

Apart from using these 2 builders, we need to wire the source and target portlets, so that IBM WPS Property Broker can determine from where to send the event and to whom.

Sometimes a weird error comes whenever we perform inter-portlet communication. The error that comes is:

[5/16/12 14:45:09:043 IST] 0000004c PropertyDispa E dispatchSourceEvents EJPKB0991E: The propertybroker encountered a problem finding a communication source with name MyEvent for portlet definition PortletDefinition:
objectID: [ObjectIDImpl '3_P3668B1A001P70ITIMHLOS2084', PORTLET_DEFINITION, VP: 0, [Domain: rel], DB: 0000-791883565000847C80ECD2C68AB90088]
created: 1336999629870
lastModified: 1337153197840
portletName: SourcePortlet
isActive: true
expires: null
isShared: null
applicationDescriptorObjectID: [ObjectIDImpl '2_P3668B1A001P70ITIMHLOS2004', PORTLET_APPLICATION_DEFINITION, VP: 0, [Domain: rel], DB: 0000-791883565000847C80ECD2C68AB90080]
defaultLocale: en
servletDescriptorObjectID: [ObjectIDImpl 'V_P3668B1A001P70ITIMHLOS2080', SERVLET_DEFINITION, VP: 0, [Domain: rel], DB: 0000-791883565000847C80ECD2C68AB90008]
wspIsProvided: false
initParameters: {}
localeData: Supported locales=[ar ca cs da de el en es fi fr hr hu it iw ja ko nl no pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sv th tr uk zh zh_TW ] Loaded locales=[en: Source Portlet Title, Source Portlet , Source Portlet Title, null, ]
preferences: {}

The error message states that Property Broker could not find source for MyEvent event. The problem appears because of class files present in /WEB-INF/classes folder in application.

To rectify it delete all the java class present files in /WEB-INF/classes folder, also delete WPF model class files (if present) under genjava directory in /WEB-INF/classes folder. Restart the application after deletion.

Hope this solution helps.

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